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今天时间不够了,If so,不要怪事情多,肯定是自己没安排好啊浪费时间了啊,以此为戒北辰seo排名联系电话!




?“一个唯利是图的社会,每一个人都会在物化自己与他人的过程中成为受害者。” ——蒋勋


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‖心理| 复习|导图整理 P




?long ?go on a long journey 长途旅行 I wish I could go on a long journey to the Antarctic because the wild nature really catches my fancy. If I could be in the middle of the Antarctic, I would probably have more chances to think about life. enjoy long history享有悠久的历史 ?long to do something 渴望做某事 water sports

I long to have a try to scuba-diving Maldives because it must be an important opportunity for me to discover something new and fresh, such as marine animals and sea plants. As well as this, I want to take up a new challenge and experience something thrilling. I mean, I will definitely get buzz out of it.





Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. 愤怒从来不会没有理由,但鲜少是好的理由。 ——本杰明·富兰克林 Benjamin Franklin 科学家、哲学家、发明家、政治家 领导美国独立战争 参与起草和签署《独立宣言》 代表作品《穷理查年鉴》《富兰克林自传》


?reason listen to/see reason 明白事理 完美破解汉语中的“听(劝)”“讲道理” I can't get him to see reason. 我没法儿跟他讲道理。 it stands to reason(that)合乎情理,显然 完美破解汉语中的“没毛病”“明摆着” It stands to reason that he' s lying to you. 他明摆着骗你呢。

?good what's the good of doing sth 做某事的好处 完美破解汉语中的“有用” What's the good of earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? 如果没时间享受,赚那么多钱有什么用? for your own good为你自己的利益考虑 完美破解汉语中的“替你着想”“为你好” I'm only telling you this for your own good. 我告诉你这件事都是为你好。





?The Guardian: The news means that the Team GB 英国队 men's 4x100m(four by one hundred meter) relay team all face being stripped脱得精光—剥夺 of their medals, with ?Canada being upgraded to silver ?and China receiving bronze铜牌 unless ?Ujah can adequately explain how the substances 一般意义的物质got into his body.


?Quote to learn for today A great man doesn't seek to lead, he is called to it. But if your answer is no, you'd still be the only thing I ever needed you to be: my son.



?He could, like an alchemist, change one material into another. 他就像一个炼金术士,能够把一种物质变成另一种。

?What exactly did her job entail? 她的工作到底涉及到什么? entail a risk 带来风险 be entailed in a job 工作包含的

?Then they have to return to the hive to tell their compatriots where to find it. 之后他们可能要返回蜂巢,告诉同胞食物所在地。

?attract spectators 吸引观众 a spectator sport 观赏性体育运动 hold 1400 spectators 容纳1400名观众

?And Krum just sat in the library, poring over books. 克鲁姆呢,只是整天坐在图书馆里钻研那些书本。


?《肆无忌惮》——《站在云上 》




What a bittersweet Picture of Critters, actually Each of us……



? 纪录片《》



?超级喜欢Angela Lee duckworth,我最近对grit也有了特别多的理解……





?紫菜蛋花汤-zi coi daan faa tong 霸王花龙骨汤-baa wong faa lung gwat tong 蒸鱼-zing jyu 蒸水蛋-zing seoi daan 头菜剁猪肉-tau coi doek zyu juk 手撕鸡-sau si gai 叉烧-caa ciu 牛肉丸-ngau juk jyun








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